Monday, November 19, 2012

Henry's birth story.

On September 12 around 6:00pm I was having more severe cramping and contraction all 8-7 minutes apart. As the  be night went on around 9:00 they started to get more and more painful. We called the Midwife and she told us to come in I was still only about 1cm  dilated. So we went home to try and get some sleep.

10:30: I was really tired and trying to sleep in between contractions. The key word their is trying I could not sleep between them. I was still not convinced I was in labor even tho I could not really talk through my contractions.  

11:30: I was laying on the bed and felt alot of pressure then what felt like a water balloon popping inside of me I stood up a waddled to the bath room. Yup my water broke. So we called again and she asked if I wanted to come in now or labor a bit at home. I decided to stay at home for a while but after my water broke it was really taking it toll on me so off we went at around 1:00 at night. It was only a 15 min drive to the birthing center but oh my gosh I hated every minute of it. So not comfortable laboring in a car. 

1:00: I was now fully effaced and 3cm dilated. I then figured out how to get through a contraction without crying and making high pitch almost screaming noises. 

2:00am-11:00am: I was having contractions ever 5 minutes and slowly making progress. I got in a warm tub held on to Edward, hunched over a yoga ball, swayed my hips and body back and forth while I walked. One thing that helped me through was opening and closing my hands as I said in a very quite voice "I can do this. I can do this." over and over or making low moaning sounds with Edward. My husband was so helpful every time a contraction came he would say "relax your body" and I would remember not to tighten up my body. through this whole time I was munching on crackers, drinking water, drinking a fruit smoothie that the Midwife made me and trying to keep up my strength. Meanwhile they would check Henry's heart every couple hours and it was spot on perfect every time.

11:30: am: I was so close to 10cm just a little lip of my cervix needed to be pulled back. At this point his head was pushing so hard on me and I really wanted to push but I needed to wait till my cervix was ready. At this point I was so tired and starting to loose it. I had to blow air out to keep from pushing. For the next three hours I was in a lot of pain and very upset. I started growling and screaming a couple time and balling my eyes out. I was between a rock and a hard place I thought I would never give birth to him. 

2:00pm: I was finally ready to push I was laying on my side and had both legs pulled up as far as I could pull them. Contraction after contraction came and I was really feeling the pain but some how I still pushed and tried to block the pain. In between contractions I would sprawl my legs out and nurses and midwife would touch me and relax me. They put warm wet cloths down below and would pull down and tell me to push. At the beginning I just wanted to scream during my pushing but it doesn't really help. My midwife said "Don't scream up there scram out you vagina" haha. Then the last couple contractions came and she said "Get angry push that baby out." Finally I saw his head full of dark hair. I couldn't believe I was doing it. Then a final push and he was out at 2:44pm. They set him on my chest and I was still in shock. Edward looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "That's our son Kelsey. I love you so much." They checked Henry's vitals while he was on me and then we started recovering.

I am so thankful for being able to have such a sweet baby boy and I am so thankful I was able to have a natural birth that I wanted. It was truly amazing and I know that heavenly father was there to help me and gave me the strength to give birth safely.


  1. Kelsey! This literally made me cry. So excited for you. You are awesome! Can't wait to meet the little guy :)

  2. Ah, Kelsey, you're a champ. Our grandchildren are so lucky to have you as their momma.
